Request an Account

By choosing to create an account, you are hereby agreeing to the below specified terms & conditions:

  1. Sensitive information such as passwords are encrypted and hashed, and therefore not collected or stored in our databases.
  2. Personal info will not be distributed to any third parties, and is also not available publicly by default.
  3. The site will be used with respect for our members and specifically for official Association business or inquiry.
  4. Users will not abuse the file upload system, such as by uploading unreasonably large files, or uploading content they do not own exclusive rights to.
  5. The private messaging system will be used specifically and only for Association business. Users will bear the sole responsibility for their own uploaded or written content.
  6. Private messages, while secure from public access, are available to website administrators should the need arise, and can be used to show a breach of agreement or enforce the site’s rules.
  7. Accounts can be locked at any time by a website administrator should they break the above terms and conditions, or in any case where their activities are considered harmful to the Association.